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There are 1 results of your search for arpy barpy.

arpy barpy

A variation of nullabat in the Brisbane area is "Arpy Barpy" where "arp" is inserted in each syllable. "Arpi arpam sparpeakarping Arpy Barpy." Compare nullabat.

Contributor's comments: warpee jarpust arpused tarpo carpall arpit Arparp - we just used to call it Arp. I remember being very surprised at the dinner table to hear my parents talk in Arp after my sister and I had some very frank conversation in Arp about her new boyfriend.

Contributor's comments: When I was a child in the '40's, my parents talked "arpy-GARPY" when they wanted to say something unsuitable for little ears. Arpi harpave yarpused arpit marpy sarpelf!